Texturização de Superfícies para Orientação de Fibroblastos em Dispositivos de Assistência Circulatória
author(s): Fernandes FM, Marques JPS
ABSTRACT: The shortage of heart donors in Brazil drives the search for solutions to extend the lives of patients on the transplant waiting list. Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) emerge as a promising alternative, but the interaction of blood with the artificial surfaces of these devices can lead to thrombus formation and hemolysis (SILVA NETO et al., 2020). Surface texturing, through the creation of micro or nanometric patterns, has proven to be an effective strategy to improve the hemocompatibility of VADs. These structures promote cell adhesion and orientation, and the formation of a neointimal tissue that isolates blood from the device material (SÁ et al., 2017). The most common structure is the groove and ridge, where the dimensions of these elements (groove width, ridge width, and ridge height) directly influence cell adhesion and orientation. However, the literature presents divergent results regarding the specific impact of each dimension.
KEYWORDS: Microtexture, Titanium, Surface treatment, Surface texturing by laser ablation