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7th OBI 2022
December 6-7th
About the Event
The 7th OBI 2022 was held online (and free of charge) on December 6th and 7th, 2022.
The origin of OBI Acronym comes from the Spanish “Taller de Órganos (O) Artificiales, Biomaterialies (B) e Ingenieria (I)” workshops held in Argentina.
It was the 18th SLABO - Latin American Congress of Artificial Organs and Biomaterials.
Faced with so many uncertainties, we decided to organize this event online and totally free due to the delicate moment we were experiencing, prioritizing the safety of all international travelers.
Despite we were physically apart, our minds were united and together we dreamed of an amazing near future for science.
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Bock
President of the Organizing Committee
Abstract submission is closed.
The presentations were online (in Spanish, Portuguese, or English) 10 min, using links provided in conference program.
The abstracts ( click for english , português and español ) were received by email until November 1st ( postponed to November 15th ) at with the corresponding symposia area. Acceptance letters were sent to all approved abstracts.
After receiving acceptance, the participant confirmed the submission by November 30th by completing the registration form (click here).
Sessions were public (see programming) and registered participants received certificates of attendance.
Approved abstracts were published in the 7th OBI 2022 Proceedings (in Spanish, Portuguese, or English).
Authors can also submit complete papers to SLABO associated journals indexed for publication of their papers in full format with DOI (free of charge).
OBI 2022 was held online (and free of charge) on December 6th and 7th, 2022.
After receiving acceptance, the participant confirmed the submission by November 30th by completing the registration form.
a) Cardiovascular applications
b) Dental and orthopedic applications
c) Biofabrication
d) Bioimages and biosensors
e) Biointerfaces
f) Smart biomaterials
g) Biopreservation
h) Clinical cases
i) Stem cells
j) Healing
k) Encapsulation and transport of cells
l) Tissue Engineering / Regenerative Medicine
m) Advanced manufacturing
n) Antimicrobial materials and surfaces
o) Surface modification and functionalization
p) Bones and cartilage
q) Bioengineering
r) Neural regeneration
s) Cancer therapy
t) Transport of drugs and genes
u) Neurorehabilitation
Publication (click here for Proceedinds)
Abstracts are published in the OBI 2022 Proceedings and encouraged to send full paper to our associated journals. The International Journal of Advances in Medical Biotechnology (IJAMB) will publish a special issue in February 2023.
The Academic Society Journal (TASJ) will publish in March 2023.
Check your code in this list - click here
December 6th (GMT-3 Brasília)
13h30 Opening ceremony
14h00 Key Speakers
14h00 Session 10 Key Speaker: Prof. Dr. Carlos Grandini UNESP “Metais celulares e funcionalização de superfícies”
14h30 Sessions: 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19 Oral presentations
December 7th (GMT-3 Brasília)
14h00 Key Speakers
14h00 Sessions: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 16 Oral presentations
18h00 Closing, Awards and Next Colaob
(Argentina Organizing Committee)
ORAL SESSIONS (Check your code in this list - click here)
December 6th (GMT-3 Brasília)
- Session 6
Abstract Codes: 011108, 011114, 011115, 011201, 291002
- Session 9
Abstract Codes: 011113, 031103, 151001, 311004
- Session 10 and Session 18
Abstract Codes: 011104, 121101, 131001, 151101, 161101, 171101, 171102, 251001, 311002
- Session 11 and Session 14
Abstract Codes: 011106, 011112, 011116, 011117, 091101, 311009
- Session 19
Abstract Codes: 031102, 041101, 071101, 241001, 281003, 301002, 301004, 311008
December 7th (GMT-3 Brasília)
- Session 1 and Session 16
Abstract Codes: 011202, 011203, 041102, 191101, 311005, 311010
- Session 3 and Session 5
Abstract Codes: 011105, 011110, 021101, 151103, 161102, 281001, 281002, 301001
- Session 4 and Session 7
Abstract Codes: 081101, 091102, 151102, 271001, 271002, 291001, 311001, 311007
- Session 12
Abstract Codes: 011109, 051101, 061101, 061102, 071102, 081103
- Session 13
Abstract Codes: 011101, 011102, 011103, 011107, 011111, 031101, 301003, 311003, 311006
Session 1: Aron Andrade /
Session 2: Eduardo Bock /
Session 3: Tiago Moreno Volkmer /
Session 4: Diego Rafael Nespeque Correa /
Session 5: Luis Alberto Loureiro dos Santos /
Session 6: Daniel Alejandro Ponce Saldias /
Session 7: Paulo Noronha /
Session 8: Rosa Correa Leoncio de Sá /
Session 9: Bruno Jesus dos Santos /
Session 10: chair: Carlos Roberto Grandini /
Session 11: Bruno Utiyama da Silva /
Session 12: Paulo Marcos de Aguiar /
Session 13: Paulo Soares /
Session 14: Rosana Nunes dos Santos /
Session 15: José Ricardo Sousa Sobrinho /
Session 16: Jeison Willian da Fonseca /
Session 17: Evandro Drigo /
Session 18: Cecilia Zavaglia /
Session 19: Sergio Araki e Isac Fujita /
Organizing Committee
President: Eduardo Bock (IFSP)
Vice President: Aron Andrade (IDPC)
Hernane da Silva Barud (Uniara)
Ana Paula Rosifini A. Claro (Unesp)
Breno Yuzo Tachibana Nishida (IDPC)
Jeison Fonseca (IDPC)
Edir Leal (IDPC)
Rosana Nunes dos Santos (PUC)
Bruno Santos (IFSP-USP)
Tarcisio Leão (IFSP)
Paulo Marcos de Aguiar (IFSP)
Sergio Araki (IFSP)
Isac Fujita (IFSP)
Marcelo Barboza (EPUSP)
José Ricardo Correa de Sousa Sobrinho (EPUSP)
Rosa Corrêa Leoncio de Sá (INPE)
Guilherme Lopes (UFPE)
Daniel Ponce (UFSC)
Evandro Drigo (IDPC)
Adriana Del Monaco (IDPC)
Dayane Tada (UNIFESP)
Tiago Volkmer (UFPEL)
Scientific Committee
President: Eduardo Bock (IFSP)
Vice President: Aron Andrade (IDPC)
Ana Paula Rosifini A. Claro (Unesp)
Cecília Zavaglia (Unicamp)
Hernane da Silva Barud (Uniara)
Sara Feldman (LABOATEM-UNR)
Gustavo Abraham (INTEMA-UNMdP)
Marcus Vinicius Lia Fook (UFCG)
Eliana Cristina da Silva Rigo (USP)
Jorge Vicente Lopes da Silva (CTI)
Ademar Benévolo Lugão (IPEN-USP)
Luis Alberto dos Santos (UFRGS)
Jeison Fonseca (IDPC)
Rosana Nunes dos Santos (PUC)
Tarcisio Leão (IFSP)
Paulo Marcos de Aguiar (IFSP)
Guilherme Lopes (UFPE)
Daniel Ponce (UFSC)
Evandro Drigo (IFSP-KIT)
Adriana Del Monaco (FAM)
Rodrigo Stoeterau (EP-USP)
Diolino Santos (EP-USP)
Nilson Cruz (UNESP)
Dayane Tada (UNIFESP)
Luis Genova (IPEN-USP)
Luis Gallego (IPEN-USP)
Vladimir Trava-Airoldi (INPE)
Cristiane Wachesk (INPE)
Paulo Noronha (UNESP)
Tiago Volkmer (UFPEL)