TITLE: Development of low cost tubular furnaces for Research & Development Laboratories
AUThOR(s): Costa, G.G.D., Solinger, G.R., Silva, M.M., Gracioli, R.P. & Fernandes, F.P.
ABSTRACT: In order to contribute with the most diverse research and development laboratories in its experiments, this paper presents the development methods for the construction of electric furnaces able to operate at temperatures up to 1200oC, with high thermal inertia and low cost. Research and development laboratories in Latin America face many difficulties in maintaining their experiments, especially those related to the synthesis of materials. However, many labs do not have the philosophical tradition of building their own research equipment, depending on whether importing or buying expensive equipment. In this article, we demonstrate the possibility of developing furnaces with good thermal homogeneity using low cost materials found throughout Latin America. Finally, we describe the construction methods and the materials used in the construction of two different furnaces operating at temperatures up to 400oC and 1200oC, presenting very good thermal inertia and homogeneity. With an operational temperature up to 1200 oC, both furnaces have thermal inertia and homogeneity.
KEYWORDS: Furnace; Sand Thermostatic Bath; Thermal Inertia; Low cost laboratory equipment.